VW RNS 315 Navigation Maps SD Card East Europe 2024

VW RNS 315 Navigation Maps SD Card East Europe 2024
We are proud to present another tutorial for car owners who have an RNS 310 Navigation system. The maps have finally arrived by following this tutorial anyone can update to the latest maps very fast. Is not complicated and does not require special computers or tools.
On this page we are presenting East Europe maps, if you need another region will have already made some posts, and with a fast search, you will find it.
To begin you have to download the VW RNS 315 Navigation Maps SD Card file to your computer. Once downloaded you need an SD card to copy the maps. Go into the car, put ignition, and once the display turns on insert the SD card with the latest maps. Now on the screen will appear “Loading SD Card..”. Wait to read the card then another message that asks if you want to assign the card will appear, click “Assign”. Now the latest message that shows the current version and the new version from the card appears, click yes. This is the complete procedure to update, now you have to wait around 120 minutes for the update to be completed. At this time please do not turn the navigation off and do not remove the SD Card.
VW RNS 315 Navigation Maps SD Card East Europe DOWNLOAD
The above tutorial does not require experience and professional tools or programs. If something happens and you get any error don’t worry, just start over again, nothing happens to the navigation, and cannot be bricked with map updates.
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